Meno Strength®- The A-Z of Strength Programming for the Midlife Female Client

Do you, as a professional, ever get the feeling that something is massively missing from the conversation about health, fitness, wellness and strength programming for the ‘Midlife and Beyond’ Female client?

The sum of midlife female health just can’t be restricted to ‘how to eliminate belly fat and hot flushes’ can it?? Indeed there are way bigger conversations to be had, beginning with ‘STRENGTH’ being defined in so many more ways beyond increasing muscle mass. 

There are bigger conversations to be had regaring maintaining cognitive STRENGTH, bone STRENGTH, cardiovascular STRENGTH, movement acuity STRENGTH, maintaining muscles mass and STRENGTH, improving Pelvic Health and continence, visual and aural acuity STRENGTH, foot fastness and proprioceptive STRENGTH.  The conversation is both wide and deep and it’s time that an education represented the full breadth of a woman’s needs instead of the ongoing and tiresome reductionism to ‘middle aged fatloss and hotflash management! 

In this education, we’ve extended the concept of ‘STRENGTH TRAINING’ to include all the other ESSENTIAL, so important in this life phase and taken a PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE stance in terms of maintaining strength, mobility and a lust for life  and movement that will support a vibrant, independent midlife and beyond.

Your Investment

1 Payment @ £397

3, 6 and 9 Monthly Instalment Options Available Also

The Key Ingredients of ‘Purpose Driven, STRONG, Midlife Movement, Mobility and Mindset’
  • Improve/Maintain CV Health
  • Include Appropriate Impact for Bone Health
  • Integrated and Improve Core Strength and Functionality
  • Improve Foot, Ankle, Hip, Thoracic Mobility
  • Improve Lymphatic Drainage
  • Hit EPOC Markers For Increased Metabolism
  • Hydrate Fascia
  • Maintain Fascial ‘Spring’
  • Improve Functional Posture
  • Challenge Balance
  • Encourage/Support Neuroplasticity
  • Increase Hypertrophy
  • Increase Movement Speed
  • Increase Movement Acuity
  • Increase Overall Mobility and Flexibility
  • Purpose Driven – About more than ‘fatloss and fitness’!
  • Non-exhausting
  • Energy-giving
  • Respectful of ‘Pelvic and Bone Health Status’
  • Sustainable and FUN!!

Course Content

Building and Maintaining Myofasical, Bone and Muscular ‘Strength’

Building and Improving Midlife Mobile ‘Strength’

Maintaining and Improving Cognitive ‘Strength’

 Improving Balance, Speed and Movement Acuity ‘Strength’

Improving Midlife Mindset, Resilience + Resting ‘Strength’


A Weeks-Worth of ONLINE Progressed and Filmed Done-For-You Programming with ETERNAL ACCESS

Lead Tutor and Course Curator

Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons),

  • ANY Certified and Insured Movement Professional with an advanced understanding of Peri-to-Post Menopause Female Health, seeking to delve deeper into creating integrated preventative movement programming for this life phase.
  • Yoga Professionals
  • Pilates Professionals
  • Strength Coaches
  • Physiotherapists
  • Fitness Professionals
  • Women’s Health Educators
  • ALL professionals working with Peri to Post-Menopausal women

Like most Burrell Education courses, this education has been entered for accredited by CIMPSA (PD:Approval) in the UK and candidates will receive 10 CPD points. (Burrell Education is a Licensed Education Provider).   This education is also accredited by NASM in the US also in order to grant candidates using this International system CEU points too.  Successful completion of this course will gain the student 1.0 CEU point. (NASM Provider N0: 2,018)

There is a 30 question multiple choice exam in order to gain certification and the CEU/CPD points available.

You need a computer and internet connection.  The full content is available IMMEDIATELY on part or full payment for the course.

YES, you will, 100%.  There will be an associated Facebook Support Group which will give you directly daily access to the tutors/authors and all of the other course participants.

The total GLH (guided learning hours) for this course is 20 hours.

Although this very much depends on your study style. Each unit completion time will depend on the student and how they learn and take in all the information. All students will study at their pace for online learning, but you have eternal access so may wish to return to the content and go over again.  

The total GLH (guided learning hours) for this course is 20 hours.

Forever and ever!  Access to both all materials, videos, PDF downloads and the Facebook Support Group are open to you forever.

Forever!  All students have ETERNAL ACCESS TO ALL CONTENT ONLINE AND DOWNLOADED AS WELL AS THE SUPPORT GROUP and the Evergreen nature of the course means that whenever we update the content, you will get access to that as well.

You can view our policy on refunds and cancellations here .

Your Investment

1 Payment @ £397

3, 6 and 9 Monthly Instalment Options Available Also