Introducing the brand new GLOBALLY ACCESSIBLE ONLINE Kineseotaping CPD course from Burrell Education for Perinatal Specialists Serving the Pregnant and Post Natal Client.

A UNIQUE ONLINE CPD Education for FULLY CERTIFIED SOFT TISSUE THERAPISTS comprising of 3 KEY ELEMENTS for improving outcomes for the most common minor pain/discomfort ailments during Pregnancy and into the Post Natal period.

This education extends way beyond simply teaching you ‘how’ to apply Kineseotape.  This content will help you extend your care of the client by providing vital, supportive after-treatment care and also improve client-self efficacy by helping you to teach her to tape herself.  Taping provides valuable kinaesthetic, proprioceptive and physical support throughout the Perinatal period that moms deeply appreciate whether they are seeking support for their bump or are looking for strategies and support in healing a Diastasis Recti.  I think we all agree that our job as the therapist is not only to ‘treat’ but also to empower the client to know that they too can take a leading role in their recovery.  Self-advocacy rocks!

Your Investment…

1 Payment @ £297

3 and 6 monthly instalment options available

This Education is for you if you want to excel in the application of Kineseotape for the Natal woman and truly understand……..
  • The Principles and History of Kinesotaping – How + Why It Works
  • The Changing Pregnant Core and Lumbopelvic Region
  • Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction and SIJ Pain in Pregnancy.
  • The Post Natal Core Rehab and Diastasis 101 – The Essentials
  • Application of Kinesotaping for Post Natal Core Rehab – Diastasis Recti Support, Abdominal Wall Re-Activation, Post C-Section Odema Taping.
  • Common Musculoskeletal and Fascial Pregnancy to Post Natal Ailments and How Kineseotaping Can Help
  • Application of Kinesotaping for Key Pregnancy Ailments – ‘Bump Support’ and Diastasis Support
  • Solutions For: Pregnancy and Post Natal Hernia Support, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Lower Limb Odema, Thoracic Postural Support, Anterior Knee Support, Lateral Knee Pain, Sacroiliac Pain and SPD, De Quervain’s Syndrome.
  • Confirmation Testing for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome and De Quervain’s Syndrome.
  • Eternal Access Done-For You Client Self-Care Movement and Therapy Library for your client to support your soft tissue therapy work.
  • Eternal Access to all ‘how-to’ videos for easy reference and continued learning.

Course Content


What is Kineseotaping and How/Why Does It Work?


The Post Natal Core + Kineseotaping and Soft Tissue Therapies Post Birth


Kineseotaping and Soft Tissue Therapies During Pregnancy including Lumbopelvic Pain During Pregnancy Tutorial 


Research Links, Tape Discount Codes, Further Reading


Client Home/Self Care Video Library

 ‘Treat – Tape – Teach’

Your Primary Tutor & Course Author

Jenny Burrell BSc (Hons),

Any discipline of fully certified and insured wellness profession ‘certified to touch’ ie., Physiotherapist, Massage Therapist who is also certified and insured to treat the Pregnant and Post Natal Woman.

As a Licensed Education Provider, ALL Burrell Education courses are accredited by reputable UK and global bodies.  Like all Burrell Education Soft Tissue Therapy courses, this course has been accredited by the Sports Therapy Association (STA) and on receipt of accreditation and CPD points, these points and accreditation badges will be added here to this page and to the end of course Certificate for students).

To pass this online certification there are two assessments that need to be completed:
  1. A 20 question multiple choice exam – 75% pass mark
  2. A VIDEO SUBMISSION of a practical session applying Kinesiotaping on a client of your choice, this will be submitted along with a YOUR OWN  client consultation form and will include a summary of the treatment you have provided including aftercare advice. An assessment form will be in the exam section of your online learning to support the video submission.
Both assessment elements must be achieved to the designated standards in order for the learned to receive certification and allotted CPD points.

You need a computer and internet connection.  The full content is available IMMEDIATELY on part or full payment for the course.

YES, you will, 100%.  There will be an associated Facebook Support Group which will give you directly daily access to the tutors/authors and all of the other course participants.

I feel that this depends on your study style but 1-2 hours maximum for Modules 1-3 should be sufficient.  But gaining proficiency in taping is obviously personal to the student.  Candidates have eternal access so may wish to return to the content and go over again.

The total GLH (guided learning hours) for this course is 15 hours.

Forever and ever!  Access to both all materials, videos, PDF downloads and the Facebook Support Group are open to you forever.

You can view our policy on refunds and cancellations here .

Your Investment…

1 Payment @ £297

3 and 6 monthly instalment options available