Kineseotaping During Pregnancy and Post Birth
- Who is this course for? For any Wellness or Soft Tissue Professional looking to EXCEL in their Kinesotaping skills to support the Pregnant and Post Natal Client – Includes taping for Diastasis Recti, Bump Support Taping and so much more……
- Live, Blended or Self-Paced Online: Self-Paced Online
- Pre-Requisites: Fully Certified and Insured Fitness, Movement + Women’s Health Professional
- Study Time: Approximately 45 mins per video – Please view ‘walkthrough’ video to see each Module’s video content
- The total GLH (guided learning hours) for this course is 15 hours.
- Assessment for Certification: Multi-Choice End of Module Testing (repeat as necessary) 75% pass mark
- Accreditation Bodies: NASM, CIMSPA, STA
- Access To Content: Eternal
- Time Limit to Complete Certification: Study at your own pace.
C-Section, Hysterectomy and Female Abdominal Scar Immersion
- Who is this education for? Any advanced Soft Tissue/Massage/Manual Therapist looking to EXCEL in their theoretical and hands-on skills when working with women with abdominal scars. This course takes a ‘whole-body’, whole-woman, whole life approach to scar rehab. The aim is to ‘bring women back home to their bodies’ by re-integrating scars and the reason for their existence.
- Pre-Requisites: Fully Certified and Insured Soft Tissue Therapist, Physiotherapist, Midwife etc.,
- Study Time: Online Pre-Recorded Pre-Learning + 2 DAYS LIVE IN-PERSON – Chichester, West Sussex, UK.
- The total GLH (guided learning hours) for this course is 30 hours.
- Assessment for Certification: Multi-Choice End of Module Testing of Pre-Learning Content + Full Attendance of 2 Days of Classroom Teaching.
- Accreditation Bodies: Thinktree + Sports Therapy Association, CIMPSPA and NASM
- Access To Content: Eternal
- Time Limit to Complete Certification: None
Diastasis Rehab for Soft Tissue Therapists
- Who is this education for? Any advanced Soft Tissue/Massage/Manual Therapist looking to EXCEL in their theoretical and hands-on skills when working with women with Diastasis Recti. Ultimately, DR Rehab, for best results, needs to address the changes in connective tissue that ALWAYS accompany Pregnancy and linger into the Post Natal period. It’s value extends beyond the physical change that a therapist can make to deep psychological transformation via the nervous system nourishment provided by safe and nurturing touch.
- Pre-Requisites: Fully Certified and Insured Soft Tissue Therapist, Physiotherapist, Midwife etc.,
- Study Time: Approximately 45 mins per video of PRE-LEARNING – Please view ‘walkthrough’ video to see each Module’s video content + attendance of Live Stream
- The total GLH (guided learning hours) for this course is 35 hours.
- Assessment for Certification: Multi-Choice End of Module Testing of Pre-Learning Content + Attendance of Live Stream + Submission of technique video for assessment.
- Accreditation Bodies: Thinktree, NASM, CIMPSPA and STA
- Access To Content: Eternal
- Time Limit to Complete Certification: None
Pregnancy & Postnatal Massage and Remedial Therapy
- Who is this education for? Any advanced Soft Tissue/Massage/Manual Therapist looking to EXCEL in their theoretical and hands-on skills when working with the Pregnant and Post Natal client. This course prides itself on providing the learner with a kit-bag of beautiful skills that combine nurturing and problem-solving for the full Perinatal journey and beyond.
- Live, Blended or Self-Paced Online: 2 DAYS LIVE IN-PERSON – Chichester UK.
- Pre-Requisites: Fully Certified and Insured Soft Tissue Therapist, Physiotherapist, Midwife etc.,
- Study Time: Approximately 45 mins per video of PRE-LEARNING – Please view ‘walkthrough’ video to see each Module’s video content + attendance of Live Stream
- The total GLH (guided learning hours) for this course is 35 hours.
- Assessment for Certification: Multi-Choice End of Module Testing of Pre-Learning Content + Attendance of 2 Live Days
- Accreditation Bodies: Thinktree, NASM, STA and CIMPSPA
- Access To Content: Eternal
- Time Limit to Complete Certification: None
Soft Tissue Therapy Foundation Diploma – Level 3+
- Who is this education for? ANY PERSON without any prior education, looking to begin their journey as a Massage/Soft Tissue Therapist via a Female Lens in a TRULY INSPIRED manner. Part-mapped to the traditional Level 3, under the accreditation of The Sports Therapy Association, this course also includes STR, PIR, Myofascial Release and Breath Rehab.
- Live, Blended or Self-Paced Online: Online Learning + Attendance of 6 weekends + Practical Skills Assessment Exam
- Pre-Requisites: None
- Study Time/Total GLH: 296 Hours
- Assessment for Certification: Multi-Choice End of Module Testing of Pre-Learning Content + Attendance of ALL Live Weekends + Submission of 30 Case Studies, Practical Assessment Day.
- Accreditation Bodies: Thinktree, STA For Level 3+ Criteria
- Access To Content: Eternal Access to Online Technique Portal
- Time Limit to Complete Certification: 6 Months
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